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Dark photon limits

These plots appeared in the paper Caputo et al. 2021 so if you use them for whatever reason, please cite this paper too

    author = "Caputo, Andrea and O'Hare, Ciaran A. J. and Millar, Alexander J. and Vitagliano, Edoardo",
    title = "{Dark photon limits: a cookbook}",
    eprint = "2105.04565",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "hep-ph",
    reportNumber = "NORDITA-2021-036",
    month = "5",
    year = "2021"

Basic plot

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Plot with projections

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Haloscope closeup

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FIPs White paper version (closeup)

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Data files and references

Combined limits

Combined projections

Tests of coulomb law/photon mass

Light-shining through walls/Helioscopes

Experimental searches for DPDM

All files are true to their original sources, i.e. without any rescaling

Updated Experimental searches for DPDM

These have been recast using the scheme detailed in arXiv:2105.04565 so they all assume the fixed polarisation scenario for the DP polarisation distribution around the Earth. They also all assume 0.45 GeV/cm^3 for the DM density and are defined as exclusion limits at 95% CL.

Reactor neutrinos

Astrophysical bounds

Cosmological bounds on (non-DM) Dark photons

Cosmological/Astrophysical bounds on Dark Photons as Dark Matter (DPDM)

Black hole superradiance